There are more than 2000 species of spiders in Australia, and while most of them are thankfully not harmful to people, that doesn’t mean you should let them thrive in your home.

It makes sense that you would want to find a quick solution to get rid of spiders because most of us shiver in horror when we see one in our homes. There are steps you may take to eliminate and aid in the prevention of spider infestations, even if it is impossible to get rid of every spider in your home.

In this blog post, we discuss some effective natural, over-the-counter, and do-it-yourself methods for getting rid of spiders in your home and any drawbacks or limitations compared to a professional treatment.

What Attracts Spiders to Your Home?

In Australia, spiders are a part of everyday life since they are so prevalent! And even if we don’t necessarily want them to be a part of our lives at home, it’s crucial to understand what factors attract spiders to visit your home.

  • Source of Food When it comes to spiders, it’s important to note that they are more likely to attack the insects that eat your food scraps than the trashed or left-out food itself. Maintaining a clean, organised, and crumbs-free living place will lessen the temptation for other pests as well as spiders.
  • Humidity Levels An invitation to spiders in your home or roof cavity may come from higher humidity levels. Spiders prefer humid environments and will look to hunt their prey there.
  • Shelter Location Most spider species find perfect shelter in overgrown gardens, abandoned household items, woodpiles, etc.
  • Gardens Everyone dreams of the perfect front and backyard with lovely gardens complementing the house. Unfortunately, the perfect front and backyard come with certain natural pests, and spiders fall into this group. 

While some spiders may be beneficial to plants and helpful to have around since they will keep other pests in check, it is crucial to ensure that the spiders in your garden are not dangerous to people or animals.

Signs You’re Dealing With A Spider Infestation

Our pest control specialists often encounter two types of spider infestation in homes: a webbing spider infestation and a crawling spider infestation. 

Let’s go ahead and explore further these two types of spider infestation.

Common Signs of Webbing Spider Infestation

The most typical indicator of a webbing spider will be webs in the crevices of your home since they make webs, as their name suggests. Spiders prefer to live in obscure locations, so if you’re looking for indications of a spider infestation, be careful to check on the following:

  • In-ceiling corners
  • Underneath furniture
  • Under cabinets next to skirting boards
  • Behind doors
  • Behind plant pots

Spiders will also gather in filthy or congested areas, including basements, attics, crawl spaces, and other rooms. It is a good idea to thoroughly inspect these places for evidence of webbing if you are concerned about a spider infestation.

When spiders create webs and lay their eggs in the bushes, grass, or trees close to your home, an infestation of spiders may also begin there. Spider hatchlings may enter your homes searching for food and a new place to build their webs. In order to identify whether you have a spider infestation, look for webbing around the perimeter of your property.

Common Signs of Crawling Spider Infestation

As their name suggests, crawling spiders are typically found climbing skirting boards or walls and crawling on the floor. Therefore, it is evident that your home may be experiencing a spider infestation if you experience the same fright you do when you unexpectedly find a spider.

Even though most spiders strive to avoid being seen, every sighting of a spider should prompt a check for an infestation. There are thousands of varieties of spiders in Australia, most of which are harmless, but some can harm your family and pets.

You can contact our specialists at Pest Police for assistance in taking care of it if the idea of crawling around your basement with a flashlight looking for spiders sounds much too spooky or you are concerned you may be dealing with a deadly type of spider.

How to Deal With Spiders Inside Your Home?

The following remedies could be useful if you have a spider infestation within your house, but a professional spider control treatment is what we advise if you want to get rid of them for good.

Set up Spider Traps or Spider Catchers

Non-toxic sticky glue traps called “spider traps” can capture spiders in busy places. Spider traps have some drawbacks despite being simple to use and can be folded into a circle to make them more kid and pet-friendly.

Even though you can bait a spider trap, your efforts will likely only succeed if you know what kind of spider you’re dealing with.

Additionally, spider traps have no residual effects, meaning the spider cannot return to the nest with baited poison (thereby eradicating the infestation). Traps can capture a few spiders but are not very useful for controlling a spider infestation.

Remove the Spider Webs

Getting rid of any spider webs as soon as you see them is crucial. Spiders reproduce quickly, so where one appears, many will soon follow.

To get to those hard-to-reach areas, consider an extension pole with brush ends and use a vacuum cleaner to remove webs.

Removing the web will temporarily damage the spider’s home. However, if you only get rid of the web and not the spider, it will just find another place to live. 

Try Using Natural Remedies Like Vinegar or Peppermint Oil

Many people choose to get rid of spiders by using natural remedies. Spiders taste and smell with their legs. Therefore some oils and odours naturally turn them away. Spiders can be discouraged from entering your home by spraying surfaces, crevices, and corners with a solution of peppermint oil and water, vinegar and water, or both.

Although peppermint is a natural, risk-free method of removing spiders, remember that peppermint oil can be dangerous to cats. And even while these “natural pesticides” are safe to use, they are seen more as a deterrent than a way to eliminate spiders.

Always Keep Your Home Clean and Clutter-Free

Spiders enjoy clutter. It attracts other pests, which serves as a convenient food source, and provides them with many dark places to hide. Maintaining a clean, organised, and clutter-free home will help eliminate spiders. Remember that the hard-to-reach ceiling corners and the dark spaces beneath or behind furniture are ideal spider habitats.

Keeping your home clean is a crucial first step in getting rid of spiders, but keep in mind that since spiders are a common thing, cleanliness alone cannot provide spider-free living conditions.

Consider Using Over-The-Counter Insecticides

If you want to eliminate spiders in your home, spraying a store-bought insecticide on skirting boards and common entryways can be helpful. The spider may also return some of the insecticides to the nest, depending on the type of insecticide used, which can assist in addressing the root cause of a spider infestation.

However, store-bought insecticides frequently have a one-size-fits-all design. They are not developed to specifically target spiders or species of spiders, making it challenging to determine which ones will work. 

It is important to apply insecticides with caution because they can also harm kids and animals. Our professionals have access to higher-quality products that are safer for you and your family and are trained in using, mixing, and applying insecticides. We always advise consulting a specialist when using insecticides.

How to Deal With Spiders Outside Your Home

Spiders are a natural and beneficial predator that helps control the bug population outside our homes, although many of us hate sharing our homes with them.

Consider leaving certain spiders alone because they can be beneficial, but if you must remove them or if they pose a danger, consider these outdoor spider removal methods:

Consider Planting Natural Repellant Plants

Planting certain plants that naturally repel spiders, such as the ones below, is a smart approach to keep spiders away from particular areas.

  • Lemon Balm
  • Rosemary
  • Mint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender

Plants like bottlebrushes will also draw native birds to your yard, which will help control the pest population.

Keep Up With Your Yard Maintenance

Keeping spiders and other pests at bay requires regular yard maintenance. Use proper composting bins, keep your yard mowed, rake up grass clippings, and trim trees and bushes away from the home, deck, and pool.

Consider organising your shed to remove any wood piles or clutter that can lure spiders and insects.

Furthermore, keep an eye out for webbing on the trees near your house! Be meticulous in removing webs from trees; if they seem out of control or bothersome, consider pruning them down.

Keep Outdoor Lighting to a Minimum

Lights draw insects, and insects draw spiders. Turning off outdoor lighting will make it easier for spiders to find less prey.

You will also unintentionally lessen the disruption to migrating birds by not adding to the quantity of artificial light in our night sky (migratory birds assist by eating all those spiders you’re trying to avoid).

Try Over-The-Counter Outdoor Insecticides

Although not as powerful as professional treatments, over-the-counter outdoor insecticides can help treat specific spiders or spider nests.

However, as previously stated, we always advise getting professional assistance when using insecticides. The pesticide you use may inflict more harm than benefit to the surrounding vegetation and insect population, and wind might cause the substance to travel into other areas (including your eyes or skin).

Our professional technicians are highly trained, and we only use top-quality products that are safe for you, your loved ones, and the environment. Whenever you need assistance with spider control, get in touch with our team immediately.

Do You Need Spider Removal Services in Melbourne?

Our team at Pest Police knows that when it comes to spider infestation, our professionals can distinguish between deadly species, such as White Tails, Red Backs, or Funnel Webs, as well as the frightful but less dangerous Huntsman. 

Regardless of the variety, our professionals providing these spider removal services in Melbourne know that many people are really concerned about spiders in their homes. Aside from the general discomfort that spiders produce in many people, there is also the concern that they might bite young children and inflict a serious reaction. Moreover, cobwebs are unsightly.

The licensed Pest Police Australia team conducts thorough inspections that adhere to Australia’s most recent pest-management methods. Our quick, effective service comes with a written recommendation and a full warranty. 

Contact us today, and our team will swiftly work to deliver your desired outcomes.