Any species that reduce the availability, quality, or value of a human resource can be classified as pests. For the most part, this doesn’t reflect the organism’s role in the natural ecosystem. In other words, vermin being tagged as a ‘pest’ is mostly because their subsistence comes in direct conflict with humans.

In most cases, animals become pests when they’re able to escape normal control by natural regulating agents. This is often caused by the lack of natural population control, which happens when a species is brought to a new place or when there is an apparent lack of natural predators.

Indeed, a timely and proper pest control can keep pest species from rapidly multiplying to a level that makes them damaging to both properties and humans.

Pest Management and Pesticide

To keep the pest population from getting out of hand, calling pest control experts becomes necessary. By managing the number of pests in a vicinity this way, their threat to people, food, and the environment will be greatly reduced.

One way to achieve this is through the use of pesticides, a chemical commercially developed to kill feral animals, insects, fungi, or plants. Although these substances are commercially available via retail, it isn’t the safest option. Many can cause harm to humans and other animals and plants as they get rid of the targeted pest/s.

It goes without saying that pest extermination should only be done by experts.

Pest Infestation That Exterminators Can Handle

If you’ve sighted a pest in your house or commercial space, you can trust that professional pest exterminators can get rid of such threats. Whether you’re dealing with a potential termite, ant, cockroach, rodent, or bird infestation, these professionals are equipped and trained to handle the dilemma for you. Speaking of which, here are the common pests they can manage:

  • Rodents
  • Rats and mice multiply quickly and do significant damage to properties, constantly gnawing through furniture and raiding stored food. They will not only eat through food supplies but they will also contaminate them with their droppings. Their droppings, in case you’re not aware, are considered health risks. Worse, severe rodent infestation have been reported to cause house fires as rats and mice can chew through electrical cables.

    To remove these headaches, professional treatment and baits will be used. Mouse and rat boxes can be used alongside deterrent methods so the property can avoid re-infestation.

  • Cockroaches
  • Roaches like to stay in warm homes and wall cavities. And when they grow a liking to a particular place, they quickly congregate there. They come out after dark to feed on any food they stumble upon, too, including organic materials such as faeces, glue, cardboard, dead animals, etc. Sadly, that includes your hidden food stash (after they find it).

    Exterminating cockroaches is no walk in the park, though. Total eradication requires the use of environmentally friendly and safe eradication solutions, which have to be applied alongside regular inspections in both residential and commercial settings.

  • Termites
  • Tagged as Australia’s most destructive pest, termites cause damage worth millions of dollars annually. The worst part? Termite damage isn’t covered by most home insurance policies. Even more unfortunate is the statistic that 1 in 3 Australian homes will have to deal with these fiends in their lifetime.

    Several termite control options can get rid of these menaces and keep them at bay. A baiting and monitoring system can be set when there are accessibility issues. Afterward, setting up a perimeter of chemically treated zones can help keep these wood-eaters at bay in the years to come.

  • Ants
  • In their unending quest for food, ants will find their way into homes. Once they see that a property is a viable source of food, they’ll nest in warm, dry soil, and under paving, making it difficult to determine where they come from. From there, expect these insects to constantly raid the food you store (and you getting bitten and stung in the process).

    In dealing with these, insecticide dust and sprays will be applied on various areas that might be harbouring ant colonies. Don’t you worry, though; the treatments used are environmentally friendly and pose no risk to pets and humans.

  • Spiders
  • Australia is home to some of the world’s deadliest spiders. Although they can be helpful in keeping fly and mosquito populations in check, you certainly wouldn’t want them hanging near your family or home since they pose a certain degree of risk.

    In order to get rid of these creepy-crawlies, the use of the latest high-tech equipment and proven spider extermination procedures will be necessary. Thankfully, modern extermination solutions have become pet-friendly and safe to people.

  • Bed Bugs
  • They feed on our blood when we sleep, getting us tossing and turning at night. Affecting the quality of our sleep isn’t all they do, however. They can negatively impact how customers feel about your business, especially when you’re in the business of hospitality. Not to mention that they spread quickly, making it quite difficult to control their population without professional intervention.

    To deal with this kind of infestation, technicians will have to use registered insecticides and do repeated visits to ensure bed bugs are eradicated at various stages of their life cycle.

  • Bees
  • The sight of a number of bees foraging for nectar in the garden is often a welcome sight. Sadly, this may not be the case when you or family members are allergic to bee stings. In this case, the sight of a swarm of bees during summer could be troubling.

    A swift response from a bee control expert may be enough to calm your nerves, however. After an on-site inspection, an effective treatment will be recommended and that may include insecticide dust or liquid application.

  • Wasps
  • Not only is it painful to get stung by a wasp, it can also be life-threatening to anyone allergic to them. Although one can possibly reduce such risk by taking precaution when outdoors, the same safety measure is hard to apply when the wasps have built their nests nearby. Take matters into your own hands and disturb their nest and you’ll likely face the wrath of an angry, aggressive swarm.

    In this case, it’s best to take action as soon as you see a couple of wasps in or around your property. As soon as professional exterminators are done inspecting your place, they can then proceed with using liquid application and insecticide dust to arrest further nest or hive activity.

  • Silverfish
  • Beyond contaminating food supplies, silverfish cause damage wherever they’re found. Although their diet consists of vegetable matter with high carbohydrate and protein content, you can find them eating through paper, cotton, linen, silk, rayon, and glue. You certainly wouldn’t want your clothes getting chewed on by these pests.

    It can be challenging dealing with this particular infestation. Silverfish are nocturnal and move quickly and that means expert help will be required to reduce their numbers. This can be done with the use of safe and environmentally friendly sprays and insecticide dust, though.

    Pest Control in the Hands of Professionals

    While it may be tempting to put your faith in insect sprays that anyone can buy off retail shelves, a wiser plan is to leave pest infestation in the capable hands of professional exterminators. You, your kin, and pets will not only be safer this way but you may also rid your property of these headaches for a good while.

    Speaking of which, you can consult your pest infestation problems with our team and we’ll get back to you with an obligation-free quote.