With more than 3,500 known species, cockroaches are found on every continent on the planet.

Their widespread distribution may be attributed to their capacity to be moved by means of human-assisted transportation. And with their inherent adaptability, they can be found in a variety of habitats, including decaying leaf litter beneath barks, caves and tunnels, on the leaves of plants, in the nests of social insects, and even in rotting wood. They are even found in semi-aquatic settings.

In part due to the broad variety of foods consumed by these insects, including decaying trash, it is thought that they are responsible for the transmission of a number of illnesses to people, including salmonella and gastroenteritis. Cockroaches have even been linked to allergies in recent research.

Using a mix of cleanliness and insecticides, a cockroach infestation may be successfully controlled.

In this post, we are going to walk you through the benefits of cockroach prevention. Let’s start.


About cockroaches

This nuisance lives in close proximity to people in homes, particularly the kitchen. The problem with this unwanted cohabitation is that some species are capable of transmitting microorganisms that cause gastroenteritis, dysentery, TB, hepatitis, and typhoid fever.

Cockroaches may also transmit viruses and the eggs of worm parasites. The danger presented by cockroach populations that live in close proximity to people is so great that it warrants the management of cockroach populations.

The majority of native Australian cockroaches may be found in undisturbed environments, amid plants, leaf litter, and dirt, among other places. There are just a few problem cockroach species and the majority of them are typically imported species. This article will focus on the most common pest cockroach species as well as preventive and practical management measures against them.


Cockroaches have the potential to transmit illnesses

A variety of bacteria, including salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, and streptococcus, are thought to be housed inside the cockroach’s body, according to research. Cockroaches are also capable of harbouring viruses such as the poliovirus.

The cockroach, like the household fly, will consume almost everything—from food spills on a kitchen floor to faecal waste in a toilet. Ingested bacteria may live in the cockroach’s digestive system for months or even years at a time and they are excreted in the cockroach’s excretory system. 

This is how food gets contaminated by cockroaches’ vomit and defecation, increasing the possibility of illnesses getting transferred to humans once people consume the said contaminated edibles.


A cockroach’s life cycle 

An adult female cockroach may lay anywhere from 10 to 40 eggs at a time. The female may lay about 30 batches of eggs in her lifespan, which is an average. The newly born cockroaches are similar in appearance to adult cockroaches; however, they are smaller and lack wings.

A cockroach may survive for up to 12 months, depending on the circumstances and the kind of environment in which it is kept. These insects have a cold-blooded constitution and flourish in warm, humid environments. It’s for this reason that buildings in Australia’s northern hemisphere are especially susceptible to infestations.

Roaches thrive in environments that offer plenty of food, water, and shelter. Paper, cloth, leather, starches, and grease particles are among the many types of animal and vegetable materials that cockroaches consume.

They are nocturnal creatures by nature. Any active cockroaches that are seen throughout the day are often suggestive of a significant infestation. Cockroaches are sociable, gathering in large groups and grooming themselves on a regular basis. 

Pesticide dusts that come into contact with the cockroach’s feet or body and are consumed during grooming, taking advantage of this behavioural trait.

In the egg case of the cockroach, which may be carried, dropped, or attached to a surface, the eggs are protected from predators. When they hatch, the cockroach nymphs cluster with adult cockroaches and develop following a series of moultings. 

The number of nymphal moults, the length of time required for development, and the longevity of an adult cockroach are all determined by the type of cockroach.


How to identify a cockroach infestation?

Everyone wants to have a system in place to protect them against an infestation. However, most individuals are unable to determine if they should plan an inspection, control, and removal services on a regular basis.

Moreover, since cockroaches are nocturnal animals, they hide in plain sight during the day and only emerge at night to search for food, making their control and removal that much more difficult. While they are not visible, they do leave behind proof of their existence, whether it be in your company warehouse, office building, or personal residence.

If you notice any of these indications before you see a roach, it will be helpful to you since it will enable you to take preventive steps before a full-scale infestation occurs, saving you the trouble of dealing with such massive disruption later on.


These symptoms of an infestation may help you determine whether or not you have an infestation on hand:

Roach droppings: They are black in colour and seem to be ground coffee in appearance. The length of the droppings may vary, but they are always less than 1mm broad.

Smear Markings: If there is enough water available, the roaches will leave irregularly shaped brown smear marks on the ground as they rest or crawl from one location to another. Naturally, a large number of smear marks indicates an infestation on the hand, requiring the need for urgent control and extermination.

Egg Capsules: Coming in the form of egg capsules (ootheca), the eggs are deposited in a capsule that includes a number of eggs in each capsule. You will discover these egg capsules in damp and dark areas such as the inside of a closet, along drains, or in your trash if an infestation is ongoing.

Skin Shedding: During the course of its life, this insect loses its skin at least 6-7 times while undergoing the transformation from a larva to an adult. If your house or building is infested with roaches, skin droppings like these may be found in the moist and dark areas of the structure.

Damaged Goods: Due to the existence of an infestation in your building or home, you may notice damage not only to your food packaging but also to books and leather items such as handbags and wallets.

Unusual Odour: A strange odour is produced by them when defecating in their sleep, which encourages additional roaches to gather in the same area as they do. Humans, on the other hand, detect a musky stench, which taints all things that come into touch with it.


Control methods

Cockroach control is only effective if the people of the infected region are educated about the problem and work together to eliminate it. This necessitates the following:

1. An in-depth examination of the infected area

Cockroaches may be flushed out of their hiding places with the use of a torch or pyrethrin aerosol spray. Sticky traps have the potential to be useful for long-term population monitoring, too.


2. Measures to prevent access to food, water, and shelter

  • Keeping a good level of cleanliness is essential.
  • Water availability may be reduced by eliminating superfluous water containers from the environment and fixing faulty taps and pipelines.
  • Food should be stored in airtight containers; trash should be emptied on a regular basis and rubbish bin lids should be securely closed.
  • Cracks and gaps should be sealed wherever feasible.


3. The application of insecticides to places where cockroaches are likely to be found.

Surface sprays that are sprayed to cracks, fissures, and voids that may harbour cockroaches, as well as surfaces where cockroaches move, are effective. Surfaces used in food preparation and handling must not be treated, however. The contents of all cupboards and pantries should be cleared prior to treatment, too.

In order to treat a whole interior area, space sprays or ULV (ultra-low volume) devices are used. Keep in mind that space sprays are unlikely to enter habitats successfully and the trend is towards employing fewer sprays and more dust and baits instead.

Dust is mostly used in places that cannot be treated with wet sprays, such as construction sites. They should always be administered with care and caution to prevent the possibility of people coming into contact with the said chemical dust.

Baits are available in a variety of forms, including gels, pastes, particles, and bait stations. When it comes to cockroach management, baits are becoming more popular and the use of baits may provide significant safety benefits in commercial food-handling areas, schools, and hospitals, where treatment is needed.

Chemicals must always be used in accordance with the labelling instructions, and the efficacy of chemical management may be hampered by inadequate hygiene practices.


Cockroaches like to hide in a variety of places

The majority of cockroaches prefer to dwell in kitchens and other food preparation facilities, where they may feed on food spills and have easy access to water sources. The following are examples of cockroach hiding places in the home:

  • cracks in walls
  • confined spaces, such as behind the refrigerator, in a pantry or underneath a stack of magazines, newspapers or cardboard boxes
  • any furniture items that are generally left undisturbed
  • kitchen cupboards
  • below sinks
  • around water heaters
  • in drains and grease traps
  • gardens


Professional pest control 

A trained and certified pest control operator can identify the kind, source, and degree of the infestation, as well as apply registered chemicals to control the cockroach populace in the home or business. Good hygiene measures, such as regular home cleaning, should help minimise the likelihood of further and reoccurring infestations, too.


Solution without the use of chemicals

One of the most significant benefits of choosing a professional cockroach control service is that they do not use any hazardous chemicals in the course of their work. They only utilise environmentally friendly solutions that are totally safe for you and your family.

When you contact a professional pest control firm, you can be certain that you will get a highly safe pest control service. Sadly many people take matters into their own hands and use pesticides to exterminate roaches, which can be very hazardous and may actually make the problem worse by exposing people in the premises to potentially dangerous substances. So don’t take any chances and get experts to handle your cockroach control needs.


Reduce the severity of health problems

There are a variety of health issues that may arise as a result of the presence of cockroaches in your house. Cockroach control services provided by professionals may help to minimise the health risks connected to these pests. 

They are equipped with an efficient roach control solution that ensures that these nasty insects are never seen again in your house. You should seek expert assistance in order to improve or preserve the health of your loved ones, indeed.


Cooking in a healthy environment

Roaches dwell in spaces in or around the kitchen, where they contaminate food and spread disease. They may be seen rummaging among the dishes or on the kitchen platform. Roaches are drawn to food items and unclean dishes, among other things. 

Consequently, if you want to keep your kitchen as healthy as possible, you should consider contacting a professional cockroach control company. While considering the advantages of using a pest control service, the safety aspect should be taken into account, too. 

Exterminators should use a safe method to remove roaches that have taken up residence in your kitchen, thus making it more sanitary.


Saving both time and money

By employing a professional cockroach control service, you may save a significant amount of time for yourself. Instead of spending a lot of your time trying to figure out how to eliminate roaches by your lonesome, you can get an expert to do the job for you. 

They have a great deal of expertise in this field and complete the treatment within the time frame specified in the contract. This not only allows you to save time, but it also allows you to save a significant amount of energy and money. 

Professional pest control services are not prohibitively expensive, luckily. Employing expert pest controllers for your roach problem is, indeed, a practical option to eliminate your specific pest problem completely.


Improved outcome

When it comes to controlling roaches, many homeowners may end up dissatisfied with the results from DIY efforts. Hiring experts, on the other hand, will meet their expectations. Roach extermination is best left to professionals who have had extensive training so one can be guaranteed of getting superior outcomes. 

So if you want a successful defense against cockroaches, don’t waste time and contact a professional pest control service ASAP. Their roach control methods are guaranteed to be up to date with the most effective technology and solutions available, allowing exterminators to achieve a favourable outcome. Not to mention that they are environmentally safe and proven to be effective.


If you have any further questions about how Pest Police performs pest extermination, contact us. With substantial expertise and experience, however, you can trust that we will find the most appropriate resolution to any ongoing roach problems.