The fact is that 1 in 3 homes in Australia will get invaded by termites in their lifetime. With such high odds, it’s only a matter of time before these silent, wood-eating pests find their way into your property.

As a responsible homeowner, you wouldn’t want to gamble on those odds. This is why new home barriers have become a growing need across the country.

Pre-Construction Termite Barriers

Many property owners decide on their home’s termite management system only after their house’s construction. It isn’t a bad decision but it will definitely give white ants a window of opportunity to attack your property while it’s still vulnerable. This is why setting up a pre-construction termite barrier is a wise choice as it reduces the risk of termite invasion by deterring hidden termite entry early on.

At this stage, however, every property owner should know that under the Building Code of Australia (BCA), new homes have to be fitted with a termite management system. The other option is to build the new structure using termite-resistant materials. Whichever of these two you go for, know that the choice has to be made before the construction project begins.

Termite Barrier Options for New Homes

White ants are active in all mainland areas of the country so it goes without saying that protecting your new home against these silent destroyers is a top priority. In most cases, you’ll have to choose between these two viable setups.

Physical termite barrier

As its name suggests, this option blocks termite entry right from the get-go. The material used for it is designed to be tough enough for termites not to be able to chew through it.

In most cases, specialised plastic films designed to keep termites at bay can be installed around the external walls of the dwelling and around penetrations through the concrete slab (pipes). Keep in mind, white ants can crawl up exterior walls in their mud tunnels in search of timber.
These physical barriers can last up to 50 years protecting your home, it is essential that you have annual inspections to make sure there are no areas where termites can breach the barrier such as high garden beds etc.

Chemical termite barriers

A common strategy to keep subterranean termites at bay during the construction of the new home comes in the form of soil pre-treatment. This typically involves the application of a liquid chemical onto the soil around the perimeter of a building’s foundation and/or under concrete flooring. Once the solution is applied, the construction can commence on top of the chemically treated soil.

Check with your local council regarding if a chemical barrier can be installed around your new home as some states in Australia have stopped this method, unless installed in conjunction with a reticulation system (pipes around the dwelling where the chemical is dispersed)

With chemical barriers, you can be sure that a structure’s entire footprint can be protected. After all, the chemical solution is applied on the most common termite access points (e.g. plumbing/conduit pipe penetrations, crawl spaces, control joints in concrete slabs, etc.)

In most cases, the effectiveness of chemical barriers can range between 1 and 8 years. Their longevity often depends on variables such as application rates, soil condition, exposure to high pH, and others.

Choosing the Appropriate Termite Barrier

The goal of putting up a first line of defense even before any termite sets foot on your property is to prevent or delay the inevitable as long as possible. And even if these pests find their way into your place, they’ll be met with tough resistance.

For your new home’s defence to be tough as nails, you’ll have to carefully choose the appropriate termite barrier to put up.

Going for a physical barrier is best when you’re still about to build your new home or home extension. It offers extensive coverage around the perimeter of pipe and slab penetrations and around the external walls. This largely depends on your property and its current requirements, but there are fewer variables to worry about with this option.

Chemical termite barriers can be applied on the soil right after construction. However, the process of choosing the termiticide to use isn’t as straightforward as it sounds. For one, you may have to choose between chemicals designed to kill termites on the spot or those that deter them.

Safe, Environmentally Responsible Termite Control

Whichever barrier you go for your new home, you can rest assured that they’ll be safe for you, your family, and pets. The chemicals used for such deterrents are odourless and environmentally friendly..

It’s worth noting that Australia has some of the most stringent pest control regulations in the world. That means all termiticides commonly used for termite barriers have undergone rigorous evaluation and testing to get the approval of the authorities.

Defend Your Investment From White Ants

Protecting your new home from these voracious, wood-eating pests isn’t a case of “one size fits all”. What works for a neighbour may not necessarily work for your property. Indeed, no two homes may have the same termite management system.

As you’re about to invest in the construction of your dream home, it pays to think about how you can best protect it against termites from day one. If you’re not the kind who gambles on the future of your residential investment, new home barriers are the pest control solution for you. Call our team to discuss how you can set up one today!